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Alphabetical Index of all judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Index by Dioceses of 2022 judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022



The Vicar and Churchwardens applied for permission forĀ  the creation of a disabled access toilet, a relocated and expanded kitchenette area and the removal of some pews at the front and back of the main nave pew block to enable greater freedom of movement and flexibility of use, which would also help wheelchair users, who would not then have to use the central aisle. There were three objectors who did not become parties opponent. Their principal objections related to the proximity of the toilet to the new kitchenette and insufficient privacy for those using the toilet. The Chancellor was satisfied that the petitioners had made a good case for the proposals and granted a faculty.

The proposal was to remove 26 pews and 3 pew fronts; relocate the mounts for the churchwardens' staves; and move an existing monitor to a new position in the gallery. An archdeacon's temporary reordering licence had already been granted, whereby the pews have been stored and 70 stackable chairs already owned by the church had been used in the nave. The Chancellor was satisfied that the pews should be replaced with chairs. She also agreed to the relocation of mounts for the churchwardens' staves to the pillars either side of the entrance to the church and the installation of the monitor on a retractable bracket on the north side wall of the gallery.

Reordering proposals included: remove toilet, replace with servery and construct mezzanine with staircase and screen facing the nave; replace pews and pew platforms with 'Theo' chairs; new stone floor; repositioning of the font; electrical heating, lighting and audio-visual works; internal redecoration; and relocation of the chancel screen. The greatest concerns of the amenity societies related the mezzanine and stairs. The Chancellor was satisfied that the works were appropriate and granted a faculty subject to conditions.

The petitioners wished to introduce sixteen upholstered Alpha A1LE chairs together with four dining tables into the north aisle of the church, from which the pews had been removed in 1997. The vicarage had recently been sold, resulting in the loss of a room for church meetings. The tables and chairs would be used for refreshments and fellowship after church services and for meetings of the Parochial Church Council. Although satisfied that a case was made for tables and chairs, the Chancellor was concerned that the particular chairs chosen would "have a real impact on the appearance and special significance of this grade II* church. They will strike a discordant note and will detract from the overall character of the interior." He therefore refused to grant a faculty, but invited the petitioners to consider alternative chairs in consultation with the Diocesan Advisory Committee.

The Priest in Charge and the churchwardens petitioned for a faculty to remove the existing Victorian storm porch and to replace it with a porch consisting of glass doors in a timber frame. The Diocesan Advisory Committee and English Heritage supported the proposals. The Victorian Society felt that the new doors would be too reflective. The architect explained that the doors would be set back and would therefore not have the reflective appearance the Victorian Society feared. The Chancellor granted a faculty.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) proposed adding a new porch with glazed doors to provide easier access, a more welcoming entrance, and to minimise draughts. The PCC amended its original design after comments from the Ancient Monuments Society and the Victorian Society. The Chancellor was satisfied that the benefits of the proposals were of sufficient substance to outweigh any negative impact that there might be on the appearance and significance of the unlisted church.

During the course of a major redevelopment (authorised by Faculty) requiring the reordering of the interior of the church to add offices, with a kitchen and lavatories, all to be accessible to the disabled, human remains were discovered during the digging of a trench in the churchyard. Shortly afterwards, some human remains were uncovered inside the church. It being impossible to reinter remains in the closed churchyard, the Chancellor directed that all the remains be stored within the church until such convenient time as all the remains could be reinterred inside the church in the same area where the second set of human remains had been uncovered.

A major reordering was proposed. The Victorian Society objected to the central pews in the nave being made moveable and to the proposal to replace the aisle pews with upholstered chairs. The Society also argued that some of the pew doors, removed at some time within the past 50 years without authority, should be reinstated. The Chancellor was satisfied that a case had been made for making the nave pews moveable, but made it a condition of the faculty that doors should be replaced on three rows of pews. He also approved the proposed replacement of the aisle pews with upholstered chairs, as well as the other items of reordering.

In 2013, an Archdeacon's Licence was granted for a temporary reordering of the church by the removal of up to 10 pews at the rear of the church in order to create the opportunity for the Parish to experiment with the more creative and welcoming use of the space created. In 2014, an application was made for a faculty to authorise the permanent removal of the 10 pews, together with other works including installing a retractable projection screen and wiring for a portable projector; replacing the wooden panels in internal porch doors with clear safety glass panels etched with St. Cuthbert's cross; the installation of some stacking chairs; electrical works; and works outside the church. One objection was received. Faculty granted.

The proposal was permanently to remove the doors from 27 late-Georgian (1819) and three Victorian (1863) wooden box pews in the Grade II* listed church. The doors had already been temporarily removed under an Archdeacon's licence for temporary reordering. The main objectives were to make access to the pews easier and safer (especially for children) and to improve the visual appearance of the church. Objections were received from Historic England, the Ancient Monuments Society, the Victorian Society, and the Georgian Society. The Chancellor refused to grant a faculty. He was not satisfied that the petitioners had put forward a compelling case for the permanent removal of the pew doors: "I find that the permanent removal of the pew doors would result in harm to the historic significance and the fabric of this Grade II* listed church."