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Alphabetical Index of all judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Index by Dioceses of 2022 judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022



The petitioners wished to remove items of redundant furniture from the Grade II* church, including a number of chairs, a litany desk and the pine pulpit. The pulpit had been relocated during the last interregnum, so that the presiding minister could more easily be seen preaching from a lectern and in order to free up space for major festival and school events. The proposal was to transfer the chairs to the vicarage, and to advertise the desk and pulpit in the diocesan magazine and, if there are no takers, to have them broken up. The Chancellor was satisfied that minimal harm would be caused by the removal of the items and he granted a faculty. He did, however, make it clear that the furniture to be transferred to the vicarage remained in the ownership of the churchwardens and could not be disposed of without further faculty.

The petitioners wished to replace most of the wooden benches in the nave of the Grade II church with upholstered wooden chairs from a local Baptist church. The Victorian Society objected to the proposal. The Diocesan Advisory Committee disagreed with the Victorian Society's reasons for objecting. One of the reasons for the proposal to replace the benches was that their legs were a trip hazard. The Chancellor granted a faculty, being satisfied that the benches were of no great quality, their replacement would remove a trip hazard, the chairs would provide the greater flexibility that the church needed, and the upholstery of the chairs was of such a colour as would not distract the viewer from taking in the splendours of the church building.

The reordering proposals included the construction of a WC and servery, the removal of a pipe organ installed in 1958 and its replacement with a digital organ. Two parishioners objected to the proposals. The Chancellor was satisfied that the proposed scheme would not cause harm to the significance of the church as a building of special architectural or historic interest and accordingly granted a faculty.

The faculty petition proposed an extensive reordering to provide: more space in the nave, aisles and chancel with moveable seating; a team administration office; an enclosed meeting space; a new kitchen, refreshment point and toilets; a welcoming entrance, and improved audiovisual systems, Wi-Fi, heating and lighting. All the consultees agreed a specification which all parties could live with. The Chancellor granted a faculty.

A faculty was granted for the following works in respect of a late 19th century Grade II* church: “to take up and relocate the font; to introduce a new altar and Ambo; to remove and dispose of the existing nave altar and Lady Chapel altar; to install additional lighting; to remove and dispose of seven high-level metal halide light fittings; to box in the electrical services in the baptistery.” Faculty granted. The Chancellor determined that the proposed works would affect the character and significance of the building. However, he was satisfied that, in conjunction with the proposed liturgical development, the effect of the works would be to enhance that character and significance.

The petitioners sought a faculty for a re-ordering of the chancel and north aisle, to include work to the floor, the removal of the choir pews and the relocation of some solid oak screens from the chancel to improve sight lines. The amenity bodies, for the most part, did not approve of the removal of the choir pews and relocation of the screens. The Chancellor found that, on balance, the public benefit would outweigh the likely harm that would ensue from the proposals and that it was therefore appropriate that a faculty should issue.

The proposed works as set out in the Petition included: "to reorder the chancel area to provide a raised platform which will be level with the current chancel steps; to provide a movable Nave Altar to be crafted from two redundant two-seater stalls; to provide a three sided dais complete with removable altar rails to allow people to kneel when receiving Holy Communion and to provide a stage area when hosting school concerts and choirs". The Victorian Society objected, but did not become a party opponent. On the basis that the applicants were motivated by a real desire to make the church more accessible both to the community and to the congregation in terms of their participation in the Liturgy, and that the proposals were completely reversible, the Chancellor granted a faculty.

The proposal was to install an audio-visual system in the church, to include a number of retractable screens and a camera. There were three letters of objection, stating that the screens would be detrimental to the character of the Grade II 20th century church; there was no need for permanent screens; the financial cost was not justified; and there were concerns about privacy and data protection. The Chancellor was satisfied that there was a genuine need for the screens and that what was proposed was the best option. He therefore granted a faculty.

A faculty was granted for the replacement of the church light fittings installed in 1970 with a combination of 'wall washer' lights and fixed lights.

Faculty granted for the installation of a handrail to the wall of the spiral staircase leading to the ringing chamber of the church tower, the handrail to be made of polypropylene with an outer rope covering. A similar handrail had previously been fitted without authority and had been removed by direction of the Commissary General on health and safety grounds, on an application of the Archdeacon, due to poor fixings.