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Alphabetical Index of all judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Index by Dioceses of 2022 judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Re Christ Church Charnock Richard [2016] ECC Bla 2

The Petition contained proposals for the complete re-wiring and the installation of new and emergency lighting within the Grade II listed church. The Chancellor was satisfied that the proposed works would not alter the Grade II church to such an extent as to be likely to affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest and he accordingly granted a faculty.

Re Christ Church Cockfosters [1999] Sheila Cameron Ch. (London)

There were two petitions before the Chancellor, the first relating to the moving of a painting from the reredos to  elsewhere in the church and repositioning an existing cross to take its place. The second petition related to the replacement of the font, which had not been used for 25 years, with a new portable font. There were substantial objections to the two petitions. The Chancellor granted a faculty for both items, subject, inter alia, to a condition that, if no other church could be found to take the font, it should be taken apart and buried in the churchyard.

Re Christ Church Croft with Southworth [2015] Sir Mark Hedley Ch. (Liverpool)

The Petition sought to make permanent a temporary reordering carried out under an Archdeacon's licence: to relocate the altar to the nave; to remove two front pews (one from either side of the aisle) and making good the floor; and to install two portable communion rails. The Victorian Society and five parishioners objected to the proposals, but did not become parties to the proceedings. The Chancellor was satisfied that the changes did not make a significant impact on the character of the church, and that what small impact they made could be justified by the improvement of access and circulation.

Re Christ Church Dore [2022] ECC She 2

A very extensive reordering of the church was proposed. The main item of concern was the creation of a new entrance at the west end of the church "to enable an open view of the whole nave and chancel from outside thereby creating light, welcome and accessibility". The majority of the amenity societies consulted objected to the moving of the main entrance from the north porch to the west end of the church. The Local Planning Authority originally turned down a planning application for a west entrance, but later approved an amended application. The Chancellor decided that the scheme as a whole was appropriate, and granted a faculty for all the works, with the exception of the proposal to remove the choir stalls. 

Re Christ Church Eccleston [2013] Sir Mark Hedley Ch. (Liverpool)

Petition for re-ordering, including partial removal or shortening of pews; levelling of floor to improve access; installation of accessible WC; installation of “brew facilities”; installation of a glazed screen to create meeting/creche area; installation  of new heating system. Objections by Church Building Council to partial removal of pews and type of heating. Judgment given on the basis of written representations. Faculty granted.

Re Christ Church Fenton [2013] Stephen Eyre Ch. (Lichfield)

Faculty granted for the recovering of the north aisle roof of the church with Sarnafil. Refusal by the Chancellor to accede to a request by English Heritage that the Faculty be limited to a period of 10 years.

Re Christ Church Fulwood [2017] ECC She 2

Christ Church Fulwood is listed Grade II and has an average Sunday attendance over four services of 887. The proposed works included the creation of a courtyard in the churchyard, between the church and the road, in order to provide better access and a circulation area. There was also a proposal to replace the pipe organ with an electronic instrument in order to provide more seating space. The proposal for the new courtyard was opposed by a married couple, as there were some old family graves in the area affected by the proposal. The Church Buildings Council was "uncomfortable with the proposal to remove the pipe organ to replace it with an electronic instrument". The Chancellor granted a faculty for both items.

Re Christ Church Fulwood [2018] ECC She 4

The petition proposed extensive reordering of the church and the creation of a link between the church and the church centre. The controversial item was a proposal to place a curtain wall behind the three arches at the front of the nave and to create within the then enclosed chancel (designed by the well-known church architect George Pace) a meeting room, an office and storage area on three floor levels. The Chancellor considered that the proposal would harm the special character of the building and that the petitioners should consider alternatively ways of finding the meeting, office and storage space they required. The Chancellor therefore granted a faculty which excluded the proposals for the chancel.

Re Christ Church Fulwood [2021] ECC She 1

This judgment deals with the third stage of an extensive series of works of reordering of the church, the earlier stages having been dealt with in two previous judgments. (See Re Christ Church Fulwood [2017] ECC She 6 and Re Christ Church Fulwood [2018] ECC She 4) The Chancellor granted a faculty.

Re Christ Church Gipsy Hill [2023] ECC Swk 8

The petitioners sought permission to replace a gas fired cabinet heater in the church with a new condensing gas heater. The Parochial Church Council had looked carefully at the alternative options. Heat pumps were not viable. It would be a possible alternative to install electric heaters, but these would be very expensive to install, less energy efficient, unsightly and expensive to run. The Diocesan Advisory Committee had certified that the petitioners have considered the Church of England’s net zero guidance, and they recommended the proposals. The Chancellor granted a faculty, without imposing a condition regarding carbon offsetting.