Neutral Citations

On 23 December 2015, the Dean of Arches issued a Practice Note requesting Diocesan Registrars to allocate a neutral citation to each Consistory Court judgment. A revised version of the original Practice Note was issued on 27 April 2016. Both Practice Notes can be downloading by clicking on these links:
Practice Note No. 1 of 2015
Practice Note No. 1 of 2016
Neutral citations are only being applied to judgments from 1 January 2016. Prior to that date, the ELA's own method of citation was used.

Those submitting judgments should not that a neutral citation number should appear in the top left corner of a judgment, in the format set out in Practice Note 1 above.

Judgments are as supplied by the relevant Diocesan Registries, but we cannot guarantee that there have been no subsequent minor amendments which have not been communicated to us. Anyone wishing to quote from a judgment should check with the relevant Diocesan or Provincial Registrar that the version on this web site is the final version.

Judgment Search


Click on one of the following to view and/or download the relevant document:

Alphabetical Index of all judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Index by Dioceses of 2022 judgments on this web site as at 1 October 2022

Consistory Court Judgments

The majority of the Consistory Court Judgments archived on this web site have been accumulated since 2006, though some earlier judgments are included, and more will be added over time. If you would like a copy of a Consistory Court judgment which has not yet been installed on the web site, please email Raymond Hemingray at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Alternatively, you could contact the Middle Temple Library, which has been archiving judgments for a much longer period than this web site.

To find a particular judgment, either use the Judgments Index on the Judgments menu, or else use the Judgment Search feature in the sidebar. Enter part of the title of a judgment, for example, Ashford, or [2019] or ECC Oxf (in the case of a judgment which has a post-2015 neutral citation) or Southwark (in the case of a pre-2016 judgment). You can also search for judgments relating to a particular item, for example, font.

It is not essential to enter a category in the Category field, but you can use that field if you wish to find all judgments relating to, for example, Paintings.

Judgments are as supplied by the relevant Diocesan Registries, but we cannot guarantee that there have been no subsequent minor amendments which have not been communicated to us. Anyone wishing to quote from a judgment should check with the relevant Diocesan or Provincial Registrar that the version on this web site is the final version.